Create an account
There are a few different ways to create an account on Hygglo. From the start page click on the button where it says Log in. You will then get a pop-up giving you the option to log in or register an account. To create an account you use BankID.

You don't need an account to search for things to rent, so you can find what you are looking for before creating an account. When you have found something you want to rent you can send a rental request. You will then get the pop-up prompting you to log in or register.
On the homepage on mobile you go to the menu and click on where it says Log in. You will then get the pop-up for logging in or registering an account. From the ad of the thing you wish to rent you get the pop-up by either sending a message or rental request to the owner.

Click on Log in to log in or create an account. You create the account with your BankID.

In the registration form you must fill in your contact details (it is important that these are correct, as it is a violation of our user terms to provide false contact information).
Please note that the phone number must be a Swedish phone number on and a Norwegian one on
The name is automatically collected from the BankID, if it is incorrect or if you with to remove some of the names, please get in touch and we will help you.

You don't need an account to search for things to rent, so you can find what you are looking for before creating an account. When you have found something you want to rent you can send a rental request. You will then get the pop-up prompting you to log in or register.
On the homepage on mobile you go to the menu and click on where it says Log in. You will then get the pop-up for logging in or registering an account. From the ad of the thing you wish to rent you get the pop-up by either sending a message or rental request to the owner.

Click on Log in to log in or create an account. You create the account with your BankID.

In the registration form you must fill in your contact details (it is important that these are correct, as it is a violation of our user terms to provide false contact information).
Please note that the phone number must be a Swedish phone number on and a Norwegian one on
The name is automatically collected from the BankID, if it is incorrect or if you with to remove some of the names, please get in touch and we will help you.

Updated on: 05/03/2024
Thank you!