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Public profile

Every one renting out stuff on Hygglo has a public profile that is visible on our website on desktop and mobile. The public profile is currently not accessible in the app.

To access your public profile, log in and from the menu you will find an option for "Public profile". From the ads you can get to the public profile by clicking on the name of the person renting out.

On the public profile you can see all the reviews received, all published ads, statistics and a short description about the person renting out. There is also a button to share the profile on Facebook. The description you want to be visible on your public profile can be added under "Edit profile".

Important to keep in mind in relation to the description:

The description on the public profile is created to be able to give a small introduction of yourself for potential customers. It should not be used as a place for own rental terms, as it is currently not available in the app. Therefore, if you use the description to share your own rental terms, there is a risk that customers do not see these terms.

Updated on: 05/03/2024

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