Owner school, part 2 of 3

Here we have gathered useful information so that you as a vendor can get to know how Hygglo works and thus offer even better service to customers. Wondering how to change the price of a rental request or how rent cancellation works? Answers to this can be found below!
Extend a rental period
Currently, we do not have a function to extend an ongoing rental period. To extend, the customer sends a new rental request for the extra days. If, on the other hand, you have agreed that the customer can keep the item for an extra day or two at no extra cost, you do not need to extend the rental period. You just wait until the customer has returned the rental item before marking it as returned. (In this case, it is important that you have marked the item as picked-up, otherwise the system will end the rent automatically when the rental period is over).
Changing price
You can change the price of a rental request via the app (for example, if you have agreed on a special price). Then you go into the request and click on the price. There you then have the opportunity to change the price manually. This does not affect the price of other requests or in the ad itself. The price cannot be changed after a rental request has been paid, so this must be done before payment.
Changing the date
Currently you can not change the rental date yourself. To change the date, you must therefore either cancel the booking and then the customer must send a new rental request or contact our support and we can change the date manually. If you decide to postpone the rental period for a paid booking to a later time without this changing in our system, the system ends the rent automatically after the rental period in the system is over. It is therefore good if there is a correct date in the system so that it does not happen. Changing dates can only be done before the rent is completed.
Pick up/return, days/ 24 hours
Rents via Hygglo are per day and not 24 hours. I.e. that if a customer books 1 day, the customer must pick up and return the same day. If you want to be flexible and offer an evening so the pick-up takes place earlier than the booked rental period, that's fine, the insurance still applies. Same if you want to let the customer keep it for an extra day. What you do in these cases is to use the function for marking a rent as has picked up and returned, then the rent starts and ends based on your selections. Obs. This does not affect the rental price.
If you do not use the function to mark a rent as picked-up by the customer, the system automatically ends the rent after the rental period is over, regardless of whether the customer has returned the item or not. Therefore, it can be good to get in the habit of always using the function when a customer picks up the rented item.
Once a customer has paid, the cancellation policy will take effect. If a customer cancels a rent before it starts, it is the cancellation terms you have chosen that determine how much the customer will get in refunds. The remaining amount is paid to you (minus our commission). If the customer cancels the same day as the rent starts / after the rent has started, no refund will be made. You will then receive full payment for the rent.
If you need to cancel a rental, the tenant is always entitled to a full refund. It is therefore important that you as the owner cancels, then 100% refund will always be sent to the customer.
To refund a rent, go to the booking you want to cancel. On the website on computer and mobile, you will see a large red button. In the app, tap the hamburger menu next to the message bar to bring up the option to refund the rent.
Block days/holiday mode
In the app under your profile you will find the functions "Block days" and "Turn on vacation mode".
Block days
You may be away for a while or for some other reason not have the opportunity to rent out your stuff for a certain period. Remember to block these days, then no one can book these days but your ads are still visible and you can still receive requests on the days you have not blocked.
Turn on vacation mode
Are you going to be away so that you do not have your mobile available, or do you want to avoid notices during a relaxing mountain hike? Turn on vacation mode, then you will not receive any notices and those who send inquiries to you will know that you will probably not respond. Slow or no answers do not affect your response time if you have switched to vacation mode.
Places, unique ad for each place
When you create an ad, you have the option to add several different places as pick-up locations. All places you enter will then have a "separate" ad. When someone searches for an item where your ad appears, they only see the ad with the address that is closest to the place the customer is searching from. When you receive a rental request, you will be able to see which address the request was sent on, so that you can decide if you can hand out the item from this address at the desired time. If you cannot hand out from this address, you must inform the customer about this with information about an alternative address that works so that the customer can choose whether it is still relevant to rent. Inform the customer of this before accepting the rental request to avoid mistakes with payment.
The idea with these extra places is not marketing and better visibility on the platform (by meeting more potential customers) but to enter addresses where you actually can hand out stuff. For example, if you can bring a gadget and hand it out from work.
How discount codes work
On the page https://www.hygglo.se/codes you will find your unique code that you can share with people. This code works on a customer's first rent at Hygglo. Once someone has used your code and made their first booking, you will receive a kickback in the form of credit to your Hygglo account.
When you give out your discount code or if a customer says that he has a code that he wants to use, you should inform about how the codes are registered. They must be registered on the same page as where you found your code: https://www.hygglo.se/codes. The code is entered in the code field and the user presses "Use". This updates the balance of the customer's Hygglo account. When the customer then pays for his next rent, the rent is paid automatically with the balance in the account and any remaining amount is paid by card.
NOTE! It is important to enter the discount code before you pay, it can not be deducted afterwards.
Updated on: 24/04/2024
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