Articles on: Renting
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Important things to consider when renting vans and light trucks

Here's a simple checklist to make your van or light truck rental as hassle-free as possible.

Watch the turns. Vans are usually much longer than passenger cars, which is why you need watch out for tight turns.

Ask someone to assist you when reversing. It is much easier to reverse with someone outside the car who keeps track so you don't run into anything, who can show how far you have left behind the car, etc.

Roll down the windows and turn off the radio when reversing. Then you can partly hear what your helper is saying, but also hear what others around the car are saying and, in the worst case, hear if it starts to receive somewhere and then stop before damage has occurred.

Do not overload the tail lift. If you rent a car with a rear lift, be sure to find out the maximum weight and be even more careful not to exceed it.

Be sure how the tail lift works. Make sure to get a briefing from the owner on how the tail lift works and important things in handling it. Also keep in mind that the tail lift requires several meters of free space behind the car to be used.

Updated on: 05/03/2024

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