Manage bookings
Can I cancel my booking?
You can always cancel a request before it is paid. It is only when a request has been paid that an order is made and this is when the cancellation policy takes effect. We recommend you familiarize yourself with the cancellation policy that applies to the thing you want rent before you pay. You can find information about the cancellation policy in the ad. When you pay, you will receive an order confirmation by email. In this email you will find information about cancellation policy, as well asFew readersHow do I finish a rental period?
When you have rented something then there is nothing you need to do in order to end the rental period after you have returned the thing you rented. The rental period will automatically end when the rental period is over or when the owner marks the thing as returned. When the rental period is completed, you will be asked to leave a review. If the owner forgets to mark the thing as returned, he will be reminded to do so. There is nothing you need to worry about. The owner needs to mark it as compFew readersHow do I change the date on my booking?
To change the date, you must either cancel the booking and then send a new, updated rental request or ask the owner to contact our support and we can manually change it for you. If you decide to postpone the rental period for a paid booking to a later time without changing the booked date in the system, the system will automatically mark the rent as completed when the booked date has passed. It is therefore good if the correct date is set in the system to prevent this from happening. Changing dFew readersCan I change the price on my booking?
The owner can change the price on a rental request in our app (for example if you agree upon a special deal). Price cannot be changed on a request after the customer has paid. It is therefore important to update the price prior to payment. When the price has been updated you can go ahead and pay for the booking.Few readers
Rental requests
To send a rental request
To submit a rental request, you must first enter the ad for the item you wish to rent. Select the rental period in the calendar by first pressing the first day of the period, then selecting the last day. Then the entire period will be automatically selected. In other words, you should only select the start and end of the period, not mark all days individually. If you do not already have an account or are logged out, you will get a pop-up asking you to log in or register an account when you sendFew readersRental request
Once you have sent a rental request, you will find it under bookings in the tab "I rent". In the "Active bookings" you find all chats, requests and bookings that is not completed or marked as outdated. In the rental request you see the following details: Rental period. Booking number - It can be good to note the booking number if you need help from us regarding a rental, as we will probably ask for a booking number to find the rent in our systeFew readers
General information
How Hygglo works when you want to rent
Search for what you want to rent in the search box on the home page. We recommend entering the location where you want to rent from. The search result will then be sorted by distance to your chosen place. Meaning, the first ads that appear in the search results are the ones closest to you. The further down in the search result you scroll, the further away from your chosen location the rental object is. You enter the ad by clicking on the image in the search result. Inside the ad itsPopularWhen and where do I pick up and return what I have rented?
You agree on a time for pick up with the owner. The easiest way of doing so it through the Hygglo messaging system. You will find the address in the booking after you have paid. If nothing else has been decided, this is where you pick up the things you have rented. If it is difficult to find a time to suit both, be a little creative! Vi har people that puts thing in the shed (with a code lock) or in a box with a code lock. Or what about meeting on the way to work? The important thing is to findFew readersThe customer's responsibilities during rental
Hygglo is a platform where vendors and customers can get in contact with each other in a simple and safe way. The platform will handle the rental terms, payments and establishment of rental insurance in accordance with our insurance terms. Rental agreements are made between vendors and customers, Hygglo only acts as a contact intermediary between users. By registering an account on Hygglo, you accept our terms of use. It is your responsibility to followFew readersWhat should I think about when renting?
There are a few things to keep in mind before renting: At what time should the item be picked up and returned? Keep in mind that the owner may not be able to do exactly as you wish, here you have to come to an agreement that suits both of you. If there are any consumables involved, you should check what the expectations are. Should the van be returned with a full tank? How worn can the cain on the chainsaw be? Is petrol included in the rental price? Payment for the rent muFew readersWhat happens if the owner does not do as agreed?
If the person you are renting from is not at home, is late or makes himself unavailable before or during the rental period, you can be entitled to a partial or full refund of the rental fee. Please get in contact with our customer support as soon as possible on email so that we can assist you.Few readersDamage on rented item
Has there been any damages to the item during rental? Should an accident occur during the rental period resulting in damage to the rented object, contact the person you rented it from as soon as possible and inform them of what has happened. It is then they who need to send in an insurance claim by contacting Hygglo. In the event of damage to drones/drone accessories or vehicles, Hygglo will contact you for payment of deductible. If you have any questions about the insurance then please feFew readers
Tips & tricks
Important things to consider when renting vans and light trucks
Here's a simple checklist to make your van or light truck rental as hassle-free as possible. Watch the turns. Vans are usually much longer than passenger cars, which is why you need watch out for tight turns. Ask someone to assist you when reversing. It is much easier to reverse with someone outside the car who keeps track so you don't run into anything, who can show how far you have left behind the car, etc. Roll down the windows and turn off the radio when reversing. TFew readersA check list of things to keep in mind when renting a roof box
Consider the weight, do not overload the roof box. It is important to check the maximim load for your car roof. A good rule of thumb is that a car can handle about 100 kg on the roof, but then you need to deduct about 25 kg for the roof box and roof racks. This leaves about 75 kg for bags and other luggage in the roof box. It’s best to load the heavy luggage in the car and the lighter luggage in the roof box. Make sure to secure the things you put into the roof box, there isFew readersImportant things to consider when renting a party tent
Anchor it firmly so that it does not tip over or blow away. If it is really windy and there's a risk of damage to the tent, take it down. Make sure the tent has dried properly before packing it.Few readersImportant things to consider when renting a motorcycle
The most common damage to rented motorcycles via Hygglo is due to the motorcycle tipping over at low speed or in a stationary position. It is therefore advisable not to tilt the motorcycle to the side or make sharp turns at low speeds. This is especially important to keep in mind if it has been a long time since you last rode a motorcycle.Few readersImportant things to consider when renting a circular saw
If a guide rail is included, make sure you use it correctly so that you do not saw into it. Check with the owner how to use this particular guide rail. Only saw in wood and make sure that there are no nails, screws or other hard objects in what you are sawing. Check with the owner which blade is included. If you are going to cut a lot, a coarse-toothed blade is preferable, while if you are going to make fine cuts, a fine-toothed blade might be your desired choice. However, a fine-toothedFew readersImportant things to consider when renting a log splitter
Log splitters varies in strength and a weaker machine cannot handle harder woods. The splitter should run smoothly through the wood, if it runs unevenly or stops, that would mean that it cannot handle the type of wood or the thickness you are trying to run through the machine. If the machine cannot handle the piece of wood, turn off the machine and remove the piece. Firewood from deciduous trees are easiest to split when damp. Firewood from conifers are eaFew readersImportant things to consider when renting a garden shredder
Don't try to shred larger branches than the machine is intended for. Do not feed the machine several branches at once. If it becomes too much at the same time, switch off the machine and pull out the branches that are stuck. If the rollers stop, eg due to thick branches, switch off the machine or the engine will burn out.Few readersImportant things to consider when renting a pressure washer
Here are some tips and tricks to make your rental as smooth as possible. In general, you can consider that pressure washers are often made of plastic, which makes them sensitive to impacts. Instead of pulling from the hose, carry it wherever you need to use it. Be careful with the handle and the nozzle and remember to put it down carefully when it's not in use. Also, put it in a place where you won't risk stepping on it. Make sure the hose is not twisted. Should you untwFew readersImportant things to consider when renting drones
Always start from land. If the drone loses contact, it is common for it to return to the starting point. If the starting point is on a boat that has moved, the drone will likely land in the water. Do not fly over water. If the drone has a problem, it is common for it to go down for landing. If it is above water, it will then land in the water. The electronics in the drone are sensitive to knocks, so be very careful not to drop the bag it is in or hit it. Check withFew readersImportant things to consider when renting a boat
Have 100% control of where you are driving so that you do not run aground. Download a nautical chart app for easy navigation. Be careful when docking the boat, don't drive into the dock. Make sure that the owner gives you a run through of the boat when you pick it up.Few readersImportant things to consider when renting a chisel hammer
There are different chisels for different materials, make sure you do not run the chisel in the wrong material. Do not apply too much pressure, but let the machine work with its own weight. Do not hang on the machine if you are going to drive on the floor, e.g. If the stroke rate is adjustable, make sure you use the correct stroke rate for the material / chisel you are working with. Check this with the owner.Few readersImportant things to consider when renting a SUP (stand up paddle)
If it is inflatable, be careful when handling the valve. If it is inflatable, be careful not to cut the board against anything sharp. Do not paddle all the way to the shoreline, get off the board a bit before. Do not drop the paddle, preferably attach it to yourself with a leash.Few readersImportant things to consider when renting a boat trailer
Remove the light ramp at the back before backing into the water. Raise the support wheel all the way up before driving. If the trailer has brakes, do not forget to release the brake before driving. Think about adjusting the driving style, as the vehicle becomes much longer with a trailer attached. Keep track of the load weight, do not overload the trailer. When leaving the trailer, ensure to lock it. Make sure that the trailer breakaway cFew readersImportant things to consider when renting a petrol powered chainsaw
Use the right petrol. Check with the owner how it should be refueled. Oil is needed for the chain, and maybe also the engine, also check this with the owner. Make sure that the chain isn't too tight against the sword, as it can create overheating. If the chain starts to become dull, change it as a dull chain can create overheating. Only use for trees and branches, nothing else.Few readersImportant things to consider when renting a trailer
* Raise the support wheel all the way up before driving. * If the trailer has brakes, do not forget to release the brake before driving. * Think about adjusting the driving style, as the vehicle becomes much longer with a trailer attached. * Keep track of the load weight, do not overload the trailer. * When leaving the trailer, ensure to lock it. * Make sure that the trailer breakaway cable is not too long and therefore gets dragged againFew readersImportant things to consider when renting a verticutter
Check the ground, so you don't drive over stones with the machine. Even smaller stones can destroy the machine, they get thrown up and destroys the cover. If it is petrol-powered, check with the owner what petrol and oil to use.Few readers