Articles on: Renting out
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Owner school, part 3 of 3

By being service-minded, pleasant and attentive, you increase the chances of good reviews from customers, as well as the chance that they will come back and rent from you next time they need something. We see that satisfied customers are happy to rent again from the same owner and good reviews are optimal for attracting new customers. It creates a security for those who want to rent.

Security System: How It Works

To ensure a safe and secure platform, we have implemented a security system to protect our users. The process begins with registration via BankID, which verifies users' identities and ensures that the user is who they claim to be.

During registration, users are required to provide accurate contact details, such as email and phone number. If you come into contact with a customer who has provided incorrect contact information, please contact our customer support.

If you feel uneasy for any reason during your dialogue with a potential customer, we urge you to contact us so that we can investigate further. You always have the right to refuse a rental request if it does not feel right.

As part of our security measures, we conduct a credit check on potential customera. This is because the value of the rental property often significantly exceeds the rental amount. The most common reason for denying a customer is that the person did not pass our credit check.

The process around credit checks is automated, but in some cases, after a manual assessment, we may allow a customer to rent, even if they did not pass the automated credit check. For example, if a customer has blocked their personal identification number, the credit check will result in the customer being blocked. In such cases, we can conduct a manual review of the customer. If you receive a new rental request from someone who has previously been blocked, it means that the person has been in contact with us and we have assessed that there should be no significant risk in renting to the person. If you are unsure, you can always contact us or choose to decline the request.

In addition to credit checks, we also perform manual reviews of potential customers and closely monitor activity on the platform to identify and manage potential risks.

As we have previously announced, our drone category is particularly susceptible to damage. After careful analysis of past damage cases, we have decided to raise the age limit for renting drones. You must now be at least 25 years old to rent a drone through Hygglo.

To rent vehicles, you must be at least 23 years old, see full terms here.

As someone renting out on Hygglo, you also help to make the platform safer and better for others by always leaving a review after the rental period has been completed.


Regarding our insurance terms, you can find them here. We encourage everyone who rents out their items to familiarize themselves with the insurance terms. It is important to understand what the insurance covers, and whether it is necessary for you to have your own insurance. Although our FAQ articles provide a summary of the terms, we recommend reading through the complete document that describes the full terms. Links to the complete insurance terms can be found in the FAQ article relevant to the item you are renting out.

All-risk insurance: Most items rented out on Hygglo are covered by our all-risk insurance, which compensates up to SEK 30,000 without deductible. If you rent out something of higher value, you must have your own insurance. Our insurance will then cover your deductible up to SEK 10,000.

Insurance for vehicle rental: Your vehicle is covered up to SEK 300,000. The insurance has a deductible of SEK 5,000 for the customer, except for roadside assistance, which is without deductible. - The insurance for vehicles is not available for Denmark.

Insurance for boats, jet skis & heavy trucks: The insurance compensates for deductible up to SEK 10,000. The owner must keep their property insured, and in the event of damage, Hygglo's insurance covers the owner's insurance deductible.

Drone insurance: Drones and drone accessories are insured through a separate insurance on Hygglo and are not included in our general all-risk insurance. The insurance has no deductible for the lessor, but with a deductible up to SEK 5,000 for the renter.

Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions we get about insurance:

How is a product valued if it is damaged during rental?

It is valued at market value, ie the value a product has on the market where age and wear are taken into account. You will be replaced up to market value, ie what it either costs to buy the corresponding thing used, or if it is very new, it can be replaced at a new price. The valuation is made by either looking at what other similar goods are sold for used, through an expert's opinion or by using the settlement table in the terms.

What is meant by negligence?

Our insurance covers damage to rented items during rental, but if the damage is a result of the customer being negligent, the customer will be liable for the damage he has caused. By negligence we mean inattentive and careless behavior from the customer, e.g. if you forget a camera you rented on the subway, or if you refuel with the wrong fuel. However, there are many gray areas, so it is always good to contact us if an injury has occurred.

In all cases where the customer intentionally causes damage to rented equipment, the customer will be liable for costs of damages.

Wear and tear?

Our insurance applies in the event of sudden and unforeseen damage to or loss of leased property. That is, damage that occurs as a result of the thing being rented out.

Hygglo's motto is that "Things should be used", and when you use something, normal wear and tear is common, whether it is you who uses your thing or a customer. Wear and tear is not covered by our insurance and the idea is that the income from the rent will cover wear and tear on the equipment.

Are you unsure if it is normal wear and tear or if it is covered by our insurance? Contact us!

The customer is sick

You have a customer who has become ill and therefore cannot rent at the booked time. It is too late for the customer to cancel to get a refund. How do you handle this?

In case of late cancellation, the cancellation policy applies, even if a customer becomes ill. On the other hand, we would like you to be helpful in such a situation and try to come up with a solution, especially now that we are in such an unusual and special situation with covid-19 where you have to be extra careful. A good solution might be to move the rental period to a later date. When you have agreed at a new date, you contact us at support and we will update the date on the order. It is important that this is done before the original rental period is over.

If there is too much uncertainty or if you do not find a new time, many choose to cancel the booking and refund the rent to the customer. This will then send a full refund to the customer, including our booking fee. By showing that you are helpful and understandable in such situations, you increase the chance that the customer is left with a good impression of you and thus there is a much greater chance that the customer will return and rent from you when he is healthy again.


When a customer cancels an order, the cancellation terms apply, it is these that determine how much is refunded to the customer and how much is paid out to you. If you have to cancel an order, the customer is entitled to a 100% refund. In this case, it is always you who cancels the order in the system. Then a refund is sent to the customer automatically for the entire rental amount.

If something is wrong with the item the customer has rented so that they can not use it, you should arrange a return as soon as possible and offer a full refund as the customer did not receive what they had ordered. It is your responsibility to ensure that the item works and that the description of the item corresponds to reality. To repay a customer for a rent that has already begun, you must cancel the rent instead of marking the thing as returned. If you mark the item as returned, the rent will end and then you will no longer have the opportunity to repay the customer.

##Include fixed price consumables in the rental price

Before the customer pays for a rent, you can update the price of a booking. We recommend that if you have fixed additional prices, such as if you offer some extra accessories for X-amount or if you offer free miles on the van for an extra X-amount, then you include agreed add-ons in the rental price before the customer pays. This will be much easier for the customer, as they only have one payment to deal with, and you do not have to end up in a situation where you chase extra payment from the customer after the rent. In addition, the customer will then receive the full payment on a receipt, which is much easier for everyone, especially if the customer rents for a company.

Variable costs that are not set before the rent has started/is over, for example cost per extra km, fuel or other consumer goods, we are happy to see that you solve this directly between you upon return, as we as of today do not have a good solution that supports extra payments after the rental period has ended.


Speaking of consumables, did you know that we have created a guide on how to best handle this? You can find it here.

Updated on: 24/04/2024

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